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Familiarity with the Bible’s contents may seem to be a given amongst believers, however, scant Biblical knowledge, that is, beyond a few favourite passages or verses, seems to be the norm.


At CLTA, as a Bible training institute, we encourage each of our students and lecturers to start a cover-to-cover reading of the Bible at the beginning of their journey with us.


Here are a few introductory thoughts about the reading program:



Our reading range extends more or less over 3 years cycle and works as follows:


  • Read about the NT Bible books that are important to know well (a few times in Year 1).

  • Read the Old Testament (1 time in Year 2).

  • Read the whole Bible (1 time in Year 3).

  • Read the whole Bible chronologically
    (1 time in Year 3).


In 2022


How to read.

  • Read daily (consistency).

  • Read at a set time/times.

  • Read in a designated place.

  • Read with pen/pencil/highlighter in hand.

  • Read with dedication: The Bible is a living Word written by a loving God to His children. Pray as you read and ask God for a message for your day. Your reading is also a form of worship!

  • Keep a spiritual diary. You will have a hard time remembering and hearing if you do not read and write attentively.


Format is not important but it should include the following:


  • A divine message for me today: It is influenced by the reading of the day and also your unique needs at that moment.

  • A promise from God: The Bible is full of promises. In some parts, you may find some. Choose 1 that stands out.

  • A commandment to keep: God requires obedience from His children and the Bible is full of His commandments. As you discover them, take note.

  • A timeless principle/wisdom to remember: there are many and on almost every topic in the world

  • ​My application: From your top 4 "discoveries” with the reading, choose one topic/area of ​​how you think you can implement it in your daily life.



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